Ritesh Pattnaik
Assistant Professor
Dr. Ritesh Pattnaik received his doctoral degree from National Rice Research Institute (NRRI) - Utkal University in 2018. His doctoral work was emphasized on “Microbially mediated cycling of iron in anoxic rice soils”. During his course of doctoral study, Dr. Pattnaik analysed on biologically triggered soil nutrient management strategies amended with chemical and organic fertilizers for rice production in both flooded and non-flooded conditions. He received exposure to various techniques for microbiological cultivation and molecular characterization of iron reducers in paddy ecosystems. Dr. Pattnaik graduated his Master’s degree in Microbiology from Orissa University of Agriculture at Technology and thereafter took teaching assignments as a faculty at College of Basic Science and Humanities, OUAT. He joined School of Biotechnology in 2010 and has more than 10 years of teaching experience is tutoring Basic Biology, Microbiology and Environmental Biotechnology in both MSc., B.Tech and M.Tech Biotechnology dual degree programmes. He is also involved in scientific research and have published research articles and book chapters in both national and international repute. Presently, his research interest is focused on microbial intervention in environmental waste management and circular bioeconomy. He has guided 5 students for their MSc. and M.Tech. Biotechnology dissertation programmes and several students for their internships.
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Doctor in Philosophy (PhD), Microbiology
Administrative Responsibility
- Examination in charge
- Course Coordinator
- Academic Laboratory in-charge
Awards & Honours
- Junior Research Fellow - Indian Council of Agricultural Research.
- Best Poster award In: National Seminar on “Emerging Trends in Plant Sciences: Morphology to Biotechnology,” Ravenshaw University
- Association of Microbiologists of India (AMI)
- Indian Science Congress (ISC)
- American Society of Microbiologists (ASM)
1. Singh, PK., Srichandan, H., Ojha, SK., Pattnaik, R., Verma, SK., Pal, S., Singh, J., Mishra, S. (2021). Evaluation of biomethane potential of codigested sheep manure and kitchen refuse. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13399-021-01961-5.
2. Mohanty, P., Singh, PK., Adhya, TK., Pattnaik, R. and Mishra, S. (2021). A critical review on prospects and challenges in production of biomethanol from lignocellulose biomass. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13399-021- 01815-0.
3. Mohanty, P., Singh, PK., Chakraborty, D., Mishra, S. and Pattnaik, R. (2021). Insight into the role of PGPR in Sustainable Agriculture and Environment. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 5, pp.183.
4. Ojha, SK., Pattnaik, R., Singh, PK., Dixit, S., Mishra, S., Pal, Kumar, S., (2020). Virus as nanocarrier for drug delivery redefining medical therapeutics - A status report. Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, 23.
5. Ojha, SK., Singh, P., Mishra, S., Pattnaik, R., Dixit, S., Verma, S. (2020). Response surface methodology-based optimization and scale-up production of Amylase from a novel bacterial Strain, Bacillus aryabhattai KIIT BE-1. Biotechnology Reports 27.
6. Mishra, R., Singh, PK., Dash, S., Pattnaik, R.* (2018). Microbial pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass for enhanced biomethanation and waste management. 3 Biotech 8: 458.
7. Pattnaik, R.*, Mishra, AK., Ramakrishnan, B. (2017). Influence of soil amendment on iron reduction in paddy field and crop improvement. Journal of Advanced Microbiology 3(1): 34-42.
8. Pattnaik, R.*, Mishra, AK., Ramakrishnan, B. (2016). Fe (III) reduction potential in rice soil as influenced by microbial communities under flooded condition. Journal of Advanced Microbiology 2(6): 285-298.
9. Mohanty, D., Jena, R., Choudhury, PK., Pattnaik, R., Mohapatra, S., and Saini, MR. (2016). Milk Derived Antimicrobial Bioactive Peptides: A Review, International J of Food Properties, 19:4, 837-846.
Books :
1. Ray, L., Pattnaik, R., Singh, PK., Mishra, S. and Adhya, TK. (2021). Environmental impact assessment of wastewater based biorefinery for the recovery of energy and valuable bio-based chemicals in a circular bioeconomy. Waste Biorefinery: Value addition through resource utilization, pp. 67-101.
2. Mohapatra, RK., Pattnaik, R., Bindhani, BK., Thatoi, H. and Parhi, PK. (2021). Bioremediation of Arsenic-Contaminated Environment Using Bacteria: An Update. Bioresource utilization and management. Apple Academic Press.
3. Rout M, Sardar B, Singh PK, Pattnaik R, Mishra S. (2021). Utilization of microbial potential for bioethanol production from lignocellulosic waste in Biotechnology for zero waste - Emerging Waste Management Techniques, Eds. K. Ravi Kumar and Chaudery M. Hussain, Wiley-VCH, Weinhelm.
4. Srichandan, H., Singh, PK., Pattnaik, R., Mishra, S. (2019). Bioenergetics and Evolutionary Relationship in Biomethanation with Respect to Mcr. Biogas; New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi.
5. Singh, PK., Pattnaik, R., Pal, S., Chakraborty, D., Mishra, S. (2019). Microbial pretreatment of biogasifiable substrates: A step towards a zero-waste system. RDWU Bulletin of Science, Vol -1.
6. Ramakrishnan, B., Patel, D., Pattnaik, R., Rekha, S., Mishra, AK. (2009). Relevance of iron cycling and associated microorganisms in rice ecosystems. pp. 121-138. In: Agriculturally important microorganisms, Volume 1, Academic World International, India.